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Introducing the Devil in a Child’s Shape.

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One of the few weapons I had in my possession during my childhood was a pen. The many usefulness of a pen is truly marvelous. The countless enemies I had defeated using it was a significant achievement I took pride in. šŸ˜€

The famous proverb ā€œThe Pen is Mightier Than the Swordā€ is quite apt considering not only its metaphorical meaning but quite literally so. The biggest reason is that it appears as something totally harmless to have unlike an actual sword. Also as a matter of fact everyone in the class has it. The sharpness of the tip of the pen can scare the kids off even though it is apparently harmless. For this very reason it can be quite deceitful. ā€œA Wolf in Sheepā€™s Clothā€ or the more appropriate term would be ā€œA Pen in Swordā€™s Clothā€.

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.”

“A Pen in Sword’s Cloth.” šŸ˜€

The chief reason of its danger is that it is by no law prohibited like in the case of a sword. It can appear quite friendly and gives off the air of wisdom and knowledge. The important looking men in black coats, and also the men in white Kurtas never fails to display it in their coat pockets. Now, it would be a matter of debate whether the pen that has been displayed has ever been used to uplift the people of society especially the vulnerable section. Or it has been used to destroy the very foundation of society, the moral compass of the people or even a larger part of humanity. History tells you both of these stories- the stories of destruction and the saving of humans from the same destruction.

Furthermore, the fact that the pen has a long history of flirting itself with a diverse set of humans. From the ancient wise men and philosophers striving to understand the humans better to the monstrous villains of society. Also, with the modern day Satanā€™s child in educated, well mannered, sophisticated powerful, rich political elites and corporates. Even more than that the Satan appears himself within ‘certain men of intellect’. Their twist and turns of the words and the manipulation of facts can make the words vicious. Which in turn costs many people of their lives or puts millions of people in danger. Another possibility is that these are the modern day league of Satan appear themselves in disguise of intellectuals under those black expensive suits and ties.

I think I have digressed a little and I apologize for it. Now let me get back to the story of the ā€˜Pen as a weaponā€™.

So, every attempt of bullying me met with an unexpected assault and every assault happened to my mortal enemy, a complaint was received in my only sanctuary, my home. As you have already guessed it had never been received kindly and thus my fate had been sealed many a time for a passionate cursing by my mother. Still this business went on without any hindrance from the outside world for quite some time. Furthermore, other kids had also started adopting this same method of attacking each other. It was a true paradise for us. But no one knew that this paradise had to be lost in near future.

One day our class-teacher accidentally discovered us indulging thus and considered it not a paradise but a den of the league of Satan. He asked for the leader to surrender and just like that ancient great event one little Judas sold me off. So, knowing full well that the severity of punishment for this sin would be gazillionth time lesser than the ‘original one’, I decided it would be wise to surrender. After many warnings my teacher let me escape the punishment on the promise that I must not be found doing any villainy in the near future. Seeing no way out of this trap, with a heavy heart I had to give in to the condition.

After some time the paradise had been lost completely and hell was the only place left with us. Thus, with the passage of time we progressed on the path of becoming the ideal students that our teachers and parents would be proud of unless the temptation of this corrupted society wins us again.





Pen has just finished reading the blog and he is absolutely not happy with it. He paced to and fro restlessly and pondered about what to be done. Finally decided to write a letter to Owl. šŸ™

The Pen in his abode writing a letter with a grave heart to register his vehement protest to Owl and requests her to reconsider her stance. šŸ™

pen as a weapon creative humorous writing by Artistic Owl Writer on

Dear Owl,

I, the weapon in question about whom you have recently written down on your blog, read what you have to say about our kind. Since then I have been quite unsettled and restless. Although my heart has been very weak I gathered the last ounce of strength to write you back to vehemently protest against your accusation of me as well as us.

While most of it is true and I have no shame in admitting that I have been used as a weapon for good or worst (‘Bad’ I can’t say as there is no middle ground these days šŸ™ ). But my objection is to the part where I have been accused of flirting with the fascists. Let me inform you at the very outset that I have a mind of my own. I don’t get influenced usually by external pressure except few times when I have no other option but to submit to the will of my legal owner. As Iā€™m under the obligation to act in accordance to the will of my owner and itā€™s the very nature of my relationship with my owner that requires me to do so.

So, itā€™s basically the intention of the owner. To give you a perspective, itā€™s like the bureaucracy shows unnecessary flexibility under pressure. Very often practices their skill of signature on the official documents without checking the test of constitutionality or even the basic morality. Also, devotes themselves to obey ‘certain’ unscrupulous political elites. The ā€˜steel frameā€™ becomes the ā€˜candle frameā€™ and melts away under even the slightest of heat of the political atmosphere. I admit that often I have been ashamed of my association with those pliable gentlemen as it is a blot on my reputation. But as you are aware it is beyond my power to choose owner of my preference. Furthermore, I often try to gulp down the shame. Then send it to the dark chamber of my heart and lock it away.

Now, the fact is while it has always been a well-known secret. Yet when I read it, it felt like someone has put it openly and bluntly. It saddened my heart beyond comprehension. My heart faltered and I bled black and blue. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m only affected by it but also my brother from another mother ā€˜The Pencilā€™. We had a conversation regarding this matter and he opened his sad heart to me. He told me that after reading your blog he felt as if someone has used a sharpener and cut his dignity short. He felt so small and completely devastated by it, even after my million consolations which failed to ease his heart. Although I accept some of the flaws of our kind, I absolutely protest against your accusation of my association with the fascist. I humbly appeal to you to reconsider it.

Furthermore, I must remind you that even though I have been used unjustly to manipulate the truth, it is I who is also the one to bring out the truth in front of the world. Most importantly itā€™s also one of our kind who helped you to write this very article. So, I humbly request you to reconsider us favorably and change your stance.

Dear Owl, I wanted to write till I run out of ink. But too lengthy a letter might be ignored by the recipient in the similar way people ignore the terms and conditions of the all the products. So, I thought it would be wise to stop it right here. I will be looking forward to hear from you.

                                                                                                            Yours truly

                                                                            The Pen on behalf of the whole Pen & Pencil association.

(PS. Dear owl you wrote it using the same Pen!)


The letter has been sent to Owl. Meanwhile the Pen awaits for Owl’s response.

The letter has been received by Owl.

personal blogging- pen as a weapon creative humorous writing by Artistic Owl Writer on

Owl finally finished reading the letter.

Also noticed the Post Script in the letter.

personal blogging- pen as a weapon creative humorous writing by Artistic Owl Writer on

Owl: Hey Pen I just typed out the whole thing. Neither did I use any pen nor any of your other brethren. šŸ˜€ šŸ˜€

The Pen gets the response from Owl. Stares at the letter. šŸ˜® Lost in thoughts and emotions. Then takes a…

pen as a weapon on artistic owl writer
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